Date 2002/08/16 16:12:09
Name okman
Subject 블리자드에 편지 보낸후 온 답장입니다. 번역을 못해서 --;;
번역 해주세주세요 ;;

Thank you for your email. This is an automatic reply to confirm that your
message has been received by us at

Due to the volume of Email received by us at it is not
always possible for us to respond to each Email message individually, this
may be the only email you receive from us regarding this matter. Please be
assured that your concern is being addressed, we do investigate *all* issues
submitted to us. As such, please do not interpret a lack of response as a
lack of action taken.

All emails regarding requests for obtaining lost/stolen account passwords,
CD keys and/or items as well as those requiring or requesting technical
support and/or games play hints should be directed to
You can also call us at 1-949-955-1382, M-F 9am-6pm PDT and we'll be happy
to help you out. - The hacks mailbox is unable to provide support for these

While it is our goal to combat cheating and hacking on multiple fronts, we
realize this effort will be difficult without the active support of our
customers and fans. With assistance, such as that provided by our customers
and fans, our efforts to diminish cheating and hacking within the
community will prove to be more effective. Thank you for your show of
support and concern, it is appreciated by each and every individual within
our company.

* Please Note: *
* If your message contains obscenities, abusive, or threatening language *
* directed at our staff, it will be discarded without further action. *
* Please remember that the people who read emails at this address are *
* working to address and/or resolve the issues submitted to us. - Hacks *

Please take a look at for the latest
support news and for updated
information on

Here are some answers to common questions:

Q: If I (or someone I know) use a hack (map hack, skill hack, etc.) will my
account get deleted/banned/muted?
A: In keeping with our aggressive stance against hacks and cheats, we have
deleted accounts that were caught using hacks including but not limited to
duping hacks and server-crashing or game-terminating hacks).

We will continue to monitor the Realms for malicious players. Be
aware that if you are caught using a hack, your accounts will be deleted. We
regret having to employ these extreme measures, however, certain
unscrupulous players impair the gameplay of the Diablo II community as a
whole, and severe action is now both warranted and required. We appreciate
your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Q: Is it OK to use the (map, skill, grab, etc.) hack as I think it is
useful and/or doesn't hurt anyone or the game?
A: See above.

Q: I just reported someone for using a hack/duping/trying to scam people;
will you actually take any action against them?
A: We truly appreciate you alerting us to behavior that might negatively
impact's online gaming community. We will take appropriate steps
to notify the offender of the parameters set forth in the terms
of use agreement as well as the consequences for not following the posted
rules. While it is our preference not to ban players from, we
will not hesitate to do so in the event that players persistently violate
the Terms of Use agreement.

Q: How can I protect my computer/ account from hackers?
A: For information about protecting your computer against hackers please
take a look at: and

Q: Are all methods of duping stopped?
A: All known methods of duping have been fixed. We will continue to monitor
the Diablo II realms for duplication exploits and fix them as needed.

Q: Why have some of my items of a certain type vanished?
A: The Realm scans for duplicated items and may delete any duplicates that
it finds. You might have traded for a duplicated item and it may have been
deleted by our servers.

Q: What items were selected for deletion?
A: All rare and unique items were scanned for duplicates.

Q: Why did Blizzard Entertainment only delete some of the dupes, and not
every dupe?
A: Blizzard Entertainment wants to maintain an enjoyable and balanced play
experience for every user. To that end, we removed all but one duplicate
item. We're making an effort to protect those players that legitimately
traded for those items.

Q: If I gamble for two unique items of the same type (e.g. two Stones of
Jordan) or find them by killing monsters, will they be considered dupes and
A: No. Items legitimately gained through gambling or dropped by monsters
are not duplicates, even if they have the same name.

Q: If I trade for an item, and already have one of the same type (e.g. I
have a Stone of Jordan, and trade for another one from a player), will one
of them be deleted?
A: If the items are dupes, then one of them will be deleted. If you
already have a certain item, then in order to prevent deletion it is
suggested you not trade for a copy of that item.

Q: Is there anyway to tell if an item is a dupe?
A: No, there is no way to tell if an item is a dupe or not, however there
is one exception. One of the last duping exploits put a socket on the item
and/or personalized the item. You may want to exercise caution if the item
is personalized or socketed.

Q: Where can I report hacks or exploits?
A: You can send your reports to

Blizzard Hacks Team

If you respond to this email, please attach all previous messages and files
relating to this issue.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
02/08/16 16:17
수정 아이콘
This is an automatic reply to confirm that your
message has been received by
...이부분으로 볼때.. 자동 답장 기능으로 보내진 메일 같습니다..^^;
02/08/16 16:22
수정 아이콘
저 메일 어디선가 익숙하다 했더니 ^^.. 워크래프트3 맵핵 신고하고 나서 받은 메일과 같군요 @_@

아마도 수많은 메일에 일일이 답변하기 어려워서 일괄적인 자동 답변 메일이라고 보여지네요.

그래도 글중에. "이 답장이 마지막 답장이고, 더 못보내지만, 당신 글은 읽고 처리 하겟다" 는 내용이 잇는만큼

블리자드에서 조치가 취해질듯 하네요 ^_^
02/08/16 16:24
수정 아이콘
자동답변 메일입니다. 블리자드는 노력하고 있다는 말 밖에는 없군요. 이 메일로는 아무 것도 알 수 없고 블리자드의 행동을 기다리는 수 밖에는 없군요.
02/08/16 18:24
수정 아이콘
첫 두단락만 대충 번역해 보았습니다. 쓸만한 답변은 없는 것 같습니다.


이메일을 보내 주신 것에 감사드립니다. 본 메일은athcks@blizzard.com으로 보내진
당신의 메일이 수신되었다는 것을 확인하는 의미에서 자동으로 보내지는 메일입니다. 의 계정 용량 때문에 답변 메일을 개개인에게 항상 발송할 수
는 없습니다. 따라서, 본 이메일이 주신 내용에 대한 답변으로 저희들이 보낼 수 있
는 단 한번의 메일이 될 지도 모릅니다. 우선 보내주신 내용이 현재 처리되고 있는지
확인해보시기 바랍니다. 우리에게 보내졌었던 여러가지 문제들을 모두 검색해 보시기
바랍니다. 그리고, 답변이 없다고 하여 저희들이 어떠한 행동도 취하고 있지 않을
것이라고는 생각하지 말아 주십시요.
02/08/16 21:14
수정 아이콘
athacks@---는 아마 핵에 관련된 건을 담당하는 메일인듯 하고 tosuppot@--는 시디키나 계정을 잃어버렸을 경우 보내는 메일 계정같습니다.. 즉 알맞은 담당자한테 보내지 않으면 액션을 취하기 어렵다는 얘기같고.. 처음에 답한 내용빼고는 질문하신 것에대한 답변이라곤 없다 --- 라고 생각됩니다.. 뭐 핵이나 치트류의 문제에 대해서는 유저들의 도움(안쓰기를 바란다는 ^^)을 바라고 있고.. 그럴경우 자신들의 노력이 더욱 효과적이 될거라는 .. 음.. 그리고 그 다음에 나온 QA는 질문과는 상관없는 예전의 일반적인 질문에 대한 답변을 정리해서 보낸 것 같습니다. 담당자가 게을러서 자동답변을 보냈는지.. 아니면 아예 보지도 않았는지는 잘 모르겠고요.. 우리나라 게이머들빼고 미주나 유럽쪽 게이머들은 아직 모르는 거 같고요.(이젠 알라나?) 그래서 성의없는 답변이 나온 것 같습니다.. 쩌비 여러명이 많이 보내야 심각성을 깨닫고 문제를 해결해 줄런지 모르겠군요...
그나저나 이거 알아낸사람 ... 정말 대단하다는 말밖엔... 우연히 알게 된 건지는 모르겠지만서도요
02/08/16 21:15
수정 아이콘
윗글 마지막 정정입니다..
이거 알아낸사람(드론버그)
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
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5075 박정석, 김정민선수.. 너무 대단하네요. 오늘 온겜넷 못보시는분들은 한이 크실듯. [10] Ripieno1391 02/08/16 1391
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5070 나도현 선수 겜비씨 해태제과배 루키최강전 우승! [8] 공룡1316 02/08/16 1316
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목록 이전 다음

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